Going Through a Divorce Is Easier With a Lawyer

Dealing with the end of a marriage can be difficult no matter how amicable the process seems to go. Unfortunately, there are many factors that must be faced such as child custody, support and property split. Even if a couple can agree on every issue surrounding ending their marriage, it is still prudent they each hire a family law attorney. Having an attorney working on your behalf can ensure your rights are protected so you get the best possible outcome.

Most people feel more confident once they have met with divorce lawyers in nh. This allows them to go over the details of their divorce so the lawyer can begin the negotiation process. The most pressing issues revolve around child custody and support. These issues are often temporarily decided on at the first divorce hearing. These temporary orders are held in effect until the judge issues the final divorce decree.

When a divorce is uncontested, the end of the marriage is fairly easy to settle. This is often done through mediation meetings held outside of court. Once both parties reach a settlement agreement, the judge puts the agreement in order and the document becomes legally binding to both parties after it has been signed.


Should the divorce lawyers in nh be unable to reach an amicable divorce settlement, the petition will need to be heard before a family law judge. This judge will decide on all aspects of the divorce, including child custody and support. This ensures all aspects of the divorce are decided on by one judge instead of the family having to go through several court appearances with different judges.

Once the judge has issued the final divorce decree, the marriage is considered legally over and both parties are allowed to go their separate ways. Any orders attached to the divorce will be held binding unless the parties stand before the judge at a later time for changes to be made.

Changes in income and family situations may cause a divorce to need to be revisited in court to ensure changes can be made to benefit everyone involved. The primary goal of these revisits is to ensure any minor children are being properly cared for.

If you are facing the end of your marriage and need legal help, contact the office of Upton Hatfield. They will be happy to meet with you in a consultation appointment so you can learn more about their services and how they can assist you throughout your divorce.

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